Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest – Step By Step Guide

There are many free and easy ways to make money on Pinterest without a blog. One of the most profitable and successful strategies to make money is affiliate marketing. This easy step-by-step guide will teach you, how to get rich with affiliate marketing on pinterest, without a blog. #makemoneyonline #makemoney #affiliatemarketing #affiliateprograms

Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest is one of the best and easiest ways to make money on Pinterest without a Blog or Website.

The benefit of Pinterest to promote your Affiliate Links is, that there are 335 million Pinners, who will avidly share and promote your links, if you present it in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Some people make $30.000+ PER MONTH with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest.

As always, I wanted to make it extra-easy for you with an easy actionable step-by-step checklist to start and succeed with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest.

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest

Want to learn how to make money on Pinterest with affiliate marketing? Learn how to find profitable affiliate programs and make money on pinterest without a blog for beginners. This easy step-by-step guide will teach you successful free affiliate strategies for beginners. #affiliatemarketing #makemoney #makemoneyonline #getrich
  1. Write down 10-20 tools, your audience (if you serve a niche on Pinterest) might need to reach their goals, ideally tools, you’ve tried yourself and liked.
  2. Check if those tools have affiliate programs.
  3. If they do, try them yourself first.
  4. If you like them, apply to their affiliate program.
  5. Write down 10 skills, your audience needs to learn to reach their goals.
  6. Research books and online courses on these skills.
  7. Apply to the Amazon Partnership Program. They pay small commissions, but whenever you recommend a book, you can throw their link in and it may add up.
  8. Find out, if the online courses you’ve found offer affiliate programs.
  9. If they do, try the yourself first.
  10. If you like them, apply to their affiliate program.
  11. Decide on 5–10 affiliate products that have a high commission and fit your audience well to focus on first.
  12. For each of these products, research if they offer free stuff, that you can promote, such as free trials, webinars, guides etc.
  13. Create multiple visually-appealing Pins for each product, promoting the freebie.
  14. Connect the Pin to your affiliate link.
  15. Write a keyword-dense description for the pin.
  16. Pin them to multiple relevant boards – both your own and group boards, if they allow it.
  17. Set up a spreadsheet to save your affiliate links, track where you’ve put them and track your income. This will help you find out, which promotion methods + affiliate products perform best with your audience.

BONUS Tip: nail your affiliate marketing on pinterest

There are many free and easy ways to make money on Pinterest without a blog. One of the most profitable and successful strategies to make money is affiliate marketing. This easy step-by-step guide will teach you, how to get rich with affiliate marketing on pinterest, without a blog. #makemoneyonline #makemoney #affiliatemarketing #affiliateprograms

BONUS: If you want to go above and beyond, you can create a landing page for the most profitable affiliate products. There you can even offer a Bonus to everyone, who signs up through your link. Then promote the landing page and your Bonus offer on Pinterest.


One of the best things about Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest is, that your Pins live on forever. Thus, they will continue to bring in profits for years to come.

Put out 10 affiliate pins per week, and 1 year from now, you will have 520 affiliate marketing pins working for you.

Another great way to make money on pinterest without a website

An email list isn’t just a tool to increase web traffic. It’s also a selling machine!

The click-through rate of emails is 20x higher than if you post a link on a website and 50x higher than when you post it on Social Media.

How much is an email list worth?

Well, this depends on what you send them.

If you let those email addresses just sit on your computer and never send them anything, you won’t make any money from it. The same is true, if you only send them cat memes.

If you value the people on this list, though, and send them helpful tips, tricks and the occassional deal on your own products or affiliate products, you can make a good living from a well-nurtured email list.

A good rule of thumb is: 1 person on your email list = $1 / month.

Build an email list of 1000 people and you have a very nice side income, that will only take you about 5 hours a MONTH to gather new leads and send useful emails.

If you build an email list of 10.000 people and nurture it well, that’s six figures a year! A full-time income for a job with less than part-time work-hours!

To Build an Email List on Pinterest without a Blog, you need to follow 3 Steps:

  1. Create an Opt-In Incentive
  2. Set up your Email Client
  3. Promote your Offer.

I broke this 3-step process further down into an actionable step-by-step guide like the one above.

Go, check it out and start building your email list and making real money on Pinterest today. 🙂


happy pinning!

So, start right now and share your success story with me on Twitter or Instagram. 🙂 Happy pinning!

There are many free and easy ways to make money on Pinterest without a blog. One of the most profitable and successful strategies to make money is affiliate marketing. This easy step-by-step guide will teach you, how to get rich with affiliate marketing on pinterest, without a blog. #makemoneyonline #makemoney #affiliatemarketing #affiliateprograms
There are many free and easy ways to make money on Pinterest without a blog. One of the most profitable and successful strategies to make money is affiliate marketing. This easy step-by-step guide will teach you, how to get rich with affiliate marketing on pinterest, without a blog. #makemoneyonline #makemoney #affiliatemarketing #affiliateprograms
Want to learn how to make money on Pinterest with affiliate marketing? Learn how to find profitable affiliate programs and make money on pinterest without a blog for beginners. This easy step-by-step guide will teach you successful free affiliate strategies for beginners. #affiliatemarketing #makemoney #makemoneyonline #getrich

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