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How to Overcome Isolation When Working from Home

If you think that working from home is all sunshine and roses, think again. Just like any job, working at home has pros and cons – and a steep learning curve. Learning how to overcome isolation and loneliness is one of the most important aspects of working remotely – and enjoying it.

With the whole social distancing thing going on right now, social isolation is certainly one of the biggest problems for people, who are now forced to work from home.

But don’t worry. As an introvert with years of experience in social distancing, I put together a list of tips to defeat the feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression, even if you love being around people (weird!).

In fact, according to a study by Buffer, loneliness is one of the biggest problems of people, who work remotely, even if they chose to do this. For people, who usually work in an office, but are now forced to stay at home, the risk of feeling lonely and depressed is probably much higher.



7 Ways You Can Overcome Feelings of Isolation and Depression When You Work at Home

1. Structure Your Day

Try and establish a structure to your day, when you work at home. Nothing gives loneliness a chance to get its foot in the door when you are looking at time stretching before you like the hot desert without an oasis. When you work at home you should start each day with a plan and stick to it. Assign your tasks and carry them out according to plan. The best time to schedule your day is the night before so you have it in hand when you awaken.

After testing out dozens of task-management tools, I’ve finally found one, that has everything, I’ve ever dreamed of. (Yes, I dream of task-management tools. Don’t judge me.)

It’s called Amazing Marvin and if you head over to AppSumo, you get one year of premium features completely free! (normally $12 / month)

2. Switch Up Your Location to avoid Loneliness

If you feel trapped in your home office, consider working some hours from your local coffee shop or a co-working space.

This might not be possible for you at the moment, but maybe you can leave your desk and work at the kitchen table, together with your spouse or whoever you live with. Create your own little co-working space. 🙂

3. Reach Out to Others

When planning your day, be sure to include at least a couple of activities that will have you interacting with others outside of your home. You may love your family to pieces, but a stressed-out spouse and demanding children will not satisfy your need for socialization.

Some say the hardest part, when you work at home, is the lack of adult conversation. Schedule a break, when you know a buddy can have a nice chat with you.

When you work at home, you can think about joining a club or a group. You can take a class or attend a trade show or seminar that pertains to your area of business. This will enable you to share the triumphs and pitfalls you experience when you work at home with others handling the same situations.

4. Get Your Muscles Pumping to beat Depression

If you work at home, joining a gym can be a great way to meet and talk to other people and get yourself feeling and looking good at the same time. You can schedule your time at the gym for the same time everyday and you will be surprised at how quickly you become friends with others who visit when you do.

Since most of the gyms are closed during the Corona-crisis, you can also do a home workout with a youtube video. To connect with others, look for online Live Workout Classes and use the opportunity to chat with other participants.

5. Go Outside to Overcome Isolation

Use your lunch break to take a walk with your hubby, a friend or your dog. Even if you go by yourself and don’t talk to anyone, just being outside and seeing other people will help you feel less isolated. As a bonus, getting some exercise at the fresh air also helps beat depression and improve focus and concentration for the afternoon working-hours.



6. Arrange a Party or Picnic

Don’t sit home and wait for invitations to come to you, plan your own get-togethers to ensure you have some fun and adult interaction. Whether this is in the form of an outdoor barbeque, a picnic at the park, or a night you plan with friends to get together and play cards or some other sort of game, it is a wonderful chance for you to relax and do some catching up.

You can organize a business meet-up and get to know others, who work at home too. It is a terrific way to network and make contacts as well as share ideas and inspirations for juggling a home business and a family.

During the COVID19 outbreak you are probably not allowed to meet up with many people, but you can still do a virtual meetup over Skype. 🙂


7. Use Your Computer to Connect with Others and Overcome Isolation

Using chat rooms, blogs and forums to stay connected with others is easy with the internet, but beware you don’t spend too much time answering emails and chatting. This can become a distraction, if you let it, so if you intend to socialize online, schedule a time to do this too.

Do This To Avoid Loneliness, When Working At Home

  • Write down your work hours and include a 1 hour lunch break.
  • Write down everything you want to do that day, ideally in chronological order.
  • Use small breaks to chat with a colleague of family member.
  • During your lunch break, get out and take a walk.
  • Head to the gym at least twice / week (or do a home-workout).
  • Call 1 friend or family member per day. They might feel lonely as well.
  • Join clubs or (online-) communities for people with the same goals, that you have. Tell them about your struggles as well as your victories.

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