23 Easy Habits to Improve Focus + Get Shit Done

Learn the 23 Simple Habits that the most productive people do every day. These good habits include a morning routine, evening routine and other things to do every day to have your most productive day ever. #getthingsdone #productivity #goodhabits

Knowing how to improve your focus is an essential skill in this era of information overload. We are bombarded with media, technology, entertainment, and notifications every day.

It seems there are hundreds of people and things competing for your attention at any given time. No wonder, that in the last few years, our attention spans have become shorter and our ability to focus has decreased.

Our time is valuable. Not being able to focus can have a negative effect on how successful we are at work and in our personal lives. Focus is a skill that we develop by training and practice. Productivity requires intention and strategy to help make your time work for you!

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Learn how to improve your focus, so that you can get more done in less time.

23 Habits to Improve Focus

  1. Use the Pomodoro Method
  2. Strengthen Your Willpower
  3. Meditate
  4. Track Your Time
  5. Write Down Distractions
  6. Batch Tasks
  7. Practice Mindfulness
  8. Exercise
  9. Get Enough Sleep
  10. Read Actively
  11. Set Daily Goals
  12. Make a Schedule
  13. Follow a Morning Routine
  14. Do the Most Important Tasks First
  15. Eliminate Distractions
    1. Put Away Your Smartphone
    2. Close the Office Door
    3. Turn off Notifications on Your Laptop
    4. Put in Earplugs
  16. Review Your Days and Weeks
  17. Start With Small Steps to Fight Procrastination
  18. Plan, How to Handle Distractions
  19. Optimize Your Working Environment
    1. The Optimal Room Temperature Lies at 25℃. However, feel free to experiment and adjust according to your own preferences.
    2. Work With Natural Light.
    3. Declutter Your Desk
  20. Do One Task At A Time
  21. Apply The 80/20 Rule
  22. Set Time Limits for Each Task to Benefit From Parkinson’s Law.
  23. Use Short Breaks to Exercise or Get Some Fresh Air

The Effect of Room Temperature on Productivity

Cornell University conducted a study of office administration workers whereby their productivity positively correlated with increased office temperatures.[1] At 25℃, the workers were typing with 90% accuracy. However, with a drop of 5℃, the typing rate nose-dived along with an increased error rate of 25%. The study also identified other factors which could greatly affect productivity and focus such as air quality and pollution.


Parkinson’s Law

In 1955, Cyril Northcote Parkinson, a famous British historian, management theorist, and author, claimed that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This suggests that if you proactively give yourself time constraints, you will be able to get more work done in less time. For example, if you allow yourself a week to finish a task that should take three hours, then (psychologically) the task will expand in complexity and seem more difficult, and it will fill the entire week.



Recommended Tools for Improved Focus

Be Focused

Be Focused helps you apply the pomodoro method to your work. It’s a timer, task manager and time tracker.

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habits to improve focus, good habits, focus, productivity, business tips, work hacks, hacks, apps, tools, time management
Handy Timer in the Mac Menu Bar
habits to improve focus, good habits, focus, productivity, business tips, work hacks, hacks, apps, tools, time management
Overview Over The Tasks You’ve Done + How Many Pomodoros You Needed For Completion
habits to improve focus, good habits, focus, productivity, business tips, work hacks, hacks, apps, tools, time management
Reports Indicate, How You Spent Your Time In The Past Week, Month Or Year

The Ultimate Productivity Bundle

The Ultimate Productivity Bundle contains 5 eBooks, 14 eCourses and 26 Printables for 97% off the original price. It’s the ultimate toolbox for improved focus and top-notch productivity.

I found the Personal Productivity Toolkit (eCourse) and the Brilliant Baby Steps (eCourse) to be especially helpful. 🙂

It will help you:

  1. Set clear goals and priorities so you’ll use your time wisely.
  2. Create productive routines so you won’t fall behind.
  3. Deal with distractions instead of getting sidetracked.
  4. Get started with tasks instead of procrastinating.
  5. Find the energy to be productive all day instead of burning out.
Conquer your to do list  - reach your goals!
Learn the 23 Simple Habits that the most productive people do every day. These good habits include a morning routine, evening routine and other things to do every day to have your most productive day ever. #getthingsdone #productivity #goodhabits
23 Things to do everyday to get more done in a day than most people do in a week. Good habits, morning routines, evening routines and daily actions will help you be more productive and get shit done. #habits #productivityhacks #lifehacks

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