Top 17 Tips to Spring Clean Your Business

This actionable guide will teach you the 17 simple and proven steps, you can take to spring clean and organize your business or blog. Be more productive, make more money and finally reach your goals. #cleaninghacks #organizationtips #springclean

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do? Do you sigh at the thought of the growing piles on your desk and in your mind? Then a good-old spring clean is exactly, what you need right now – not just for your home, but for your business and finances as well.

Spring is the time for getting your shit together. A spring clean can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and step-by-step guidance, it will be easier than you think. And it will feel so good, once it’s done.

Spring is the time for getting your shit together. A spring clean can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and step-by-step guidance, it will be easier than you think. And it will feel so good, once it's done. Click To Tweet

Now, take a deep breath, brew a cup of coffee – coffee is always a good idea – and do the first step on your way to a clean and happy business and mind.

Here Are Top 17 Ideas to Help You Spring Clean Your Blog and Business

Spring Clean Your Productivity

1. Make a list of all those repetitive tasks and outsource + automate them as much as you can.

2. Track your time for at least one week.

Tracking your time will help you see, how much time you actually spend on what’s important for you and will help you plan ahead.

3. Revisit the goals, you set at the beginning of the year + check if they’re still relevant and if they are, if you’re still on track.

Then write down, why you want to reach that goal + the one next step you have to take for each goal, that’s still relevant to you. If you have more than three goals, prioritize them and only work on the most important ones for the next weeks. You will be surprised about, how much you can accomplish, when you focus on what matters.

4. Examine your habits.

Do you have daily, weekly and monthly habits regarding your business? Well, you should have. Running a blog or business can be overwhelming and habits will help you to know, what to work on at any given day. If you already have some established routines, examine how well they work for you and what you can change about them.

Spring Clean + Declutter Your Blog and Business

1. Unsubscribe from Emails, Tools and Accounts, you don’t need anymore.

2. Declutter your Website.

Go through your list of old posts, delete those, that aren’t relevant anymore and make a list of the ones, you need to update.

3. Check the links on your most popular blog posts and all of your landing pages.

4. Go through your desk, get rid of papers you don’t need anymore and digitize as much as you can.

5. Clean up your subscribers lists.

Send an email to all of those inactive-subscribers and ask them to perform an action, if they want to stay on your email list. Delete everyone from your list, who doesn’t react. When it comes to your email list, engagement is much more important than the sheer size of the list. Additionaly, most Email Services are more expensive, the more subscribers you have. By deleting inactive subscribers, you will boost your engagement rate and cut some $$$ off your monthly bill.

6. Backup your website, your phone and your laptop.

Stay Up to Date to Spring Clean Your Blog

1. Update the templates you use in your business.

This includes Invoices, Email Templates, Pricing Lists etc.

2. Update your Media Kit

3. Update your email autoresponders.

Optimize + Adjust to Spring Clean Your Business

1. Write down all your website stats, including the conversion rates of your links and opt-in incentives.

Use your website stats to set goals for the next quarter. Use your conversion rates to analyze, what works and what doesn’t. Update the links and landing pages, that don’t convert well.

2. Survey your audience.

See if you’re on the right track and plan for the upcoming months by surveying your audience. What are their biggest struggles regarding your niche? What do they like about your website? Which offers would they love to buy, if you created them?

3. Revisit your competitors.

You might have analyzed your competitors, when you started out with your blog or business, but probably lost sight of them since then. Now is the time to revisit your competitors and analyze, what products they sell, how they grow their email list and which blog posts perform best.

4. Review your business expenses.

Do you have a list of ongoing business expenses? If not, start one! If you have one, go through the list and think about, how you could reduce your costs. Do you really need this service? Are there better offers out-there?

Phew! You made it! Congratulations! (You probably just read the article and didn’t yet take any action what-so-ever, but in a time of 30 sec. attention spans, that’s still an accomplishment. đŸ™‚ )

Now, download that checklist, grab my resource guide and GET SHIT DONE!


  • Make a list of all those repetitive tasks and outsource + automate them as much as you can.
  • Track your time for at least one week. 
  • Revisit the goals, you set at the beginning of the year + check if they’re still relevant and if they are, if you’re still on track. 
  • Examine your habits.
  • Unsubscribe from Emails, Tools and Accounts, you don’t need anymore.
  • Declutter your Website. 
  • Check the links on your most popular blog posts and all of your landing pages.
  • Go through your desk, get rid of papers you don’t need anymore and digitize as much as you can.
  • Clean up your subscribers lists. 
  • Backup your website, your phone and your laptop.
  • Update the templates you use in your business. 
  • Update your Media Kit
  • Update your email autoresponders.
  • Write down all your website stats, including the conversion rates of your links and opt-in incentives. 
  • Survey your audience. 
  • Revisit your competitors. 
  • Review your business expenses. 

This actionable guide will teach you the 17 simple and proven steps, you can take to spring clean and organize your business or blog. Be more productive, make more money and finally reach your goals. #cleaninghacks #organizationtips #springclean
Take these 17 Easy Steps to spring clean your blog or business. Get back on track with your goals and resolution and get your blog organized. Stop wasting your time and start doing the things that matter most for your success. #organizationhacks #organize #springclean

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